All About Me!

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West Virginny, United States
Nope not really!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

U.N. Defense

Every day I wonder if the world wouldn't be safer is there wasn't something to save the world. And then I think about my high school years. Yes, the world is being protected by a giant break dancing know this one.

But who's protecting the world between Beastie boy albums. I mean we can't wait seven years for a new one. I want to believe it's this guy.

Oh let it be this guy

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Video Video

So I was checking the news earlier and granted I'm a little groggy from some meds I took to attempt to survive a killing head ache but I think what I heard was that Kanye West is being sued by Evel Knievel for this video.

He said that it was rude and had sexually offensive material among other things. Once again this guy.

Is Sueing this guy

Because of a parody video that wasn't apparently proper. Not these guys when they did their paradoy

Or this dude

No, no Mr. Knievel went with with Kanye

Yea, I was going to close with a Gold Digger joke but honestly, it would be too easy

Saturday, December 02, 2006

A sad fairwell

Another turning point
A fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist
Directs you where to go
So make the best of this test
And don't ask why
It's not a question
But a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable
But in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life

So take the photographs
And still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf of good health and good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth
It was worth all the while
It's something unpredictable
But in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life.....

It's something unpredictable
But in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life.....

It's something unpredictable
But in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life.....

I said what?