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West Virginny, United States
Nope not really!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Don't be a dick. Read the labels...

Reiecently, because they sell games like this:

And this

And this jack off.

The ESRB and varous other people have been putting ads out there like these.

So dicks like this

Will shut up about games like this.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Adventures in Alphaville

Kentucky! Last Saturday, I got seriously bored so I took a trip. But don't worry, I didn't go alone

The bunny came with me. Kentucky is know for three things:

Stunning green fields

It's horse racing!

And Fine liquors such as Jack Daniels, Jimmy Bean and Little Wormy...I love you little Wormy. We went into this liquor store just to see if we could buy some fine Kentucky Liquor.

Bun Bun found some fine booze to bring back!

I talked him into a better booze.

We then went to the mall and it was a wee bit scary.

Oh No Zombies!

Yea, Kentucky was boring

At least it had a happy ending...

Yea, super happy.

I said what?