All About Me!

My photo
West Virginny, United States
Nope not really!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Advenuters of the Minilop

This is Bun Bun. He's usually a busy bunny. And often we go out.

However, I went out last week to get my apartment in W.Va But don't worry, he wasn't lonely but he does ask that;

First Bun Bun went to Wal Mart

That's where he got some Pocky.

He thought about going to see a movie.

Bun Bun said that he was a better pirate than Orlando Bloom

Bun Bun also got me a present for Grad School...a St. Jude's Candle.

That's it for now

Krycek ya later gang

And were patched!

This is my blog spot. There are many like it but this is mine.

Primarely this will be a photo J so for anything important about me check out my LJ


I said what?