All About Me!

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West Virginny, United States
Nope not really!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Advenuters of the Minilop

This is Bun Bun. He's usually a busy bunny. And often we go out.

However, I went out last week to get my apartment in W.Va But don't worry, he wasn't lonely but he does ask that;

First Bun Bun went to Wal Mart

That's where he got some Pocky.

He thought about going to see a movie.

Bun Bun said that he was a better pirate than Orlando Bloom

Bun Bun also got me a present for Grad School...a St. Jude's Candle.

That's it for now

Krycek ya later gang

1 comment:

Miranda said...

awh, hello Charleston!

I said what?