All About Me!

My photo
West Virginny, United States
Nope not really!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Learn a little about me....

These show up on my LJ or in my e-mail all the time and I don't usually send them along but! I feel that you my readers, all two of you, would like to know more about me....except my boyfriend or best friend or my mom.

1. What time did you get up this morning? 9:45

2. Diamonds or pearls? Pearly Diamonds

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Bortat

4. What are your favorite TV shows? Check the side.

5. What did you have for breakfast? Some weird kind of toaster partry

6. What is your middle name? The M. Stands for Susan

7. What is your favorite food? Rice in Peanut Sause

8. What food do you dislike? That corn thing mom makes at Thankgiving, Peas, Green Beans, and OJ

9. What is your favorite chip flavor? Those BBQ Baked Lays

10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Theivery Corporation-Warning Shots

11. Favorite sandwich? PB&J

12. Favorite movie of all time? Oh there's a ton and probably will end up doing an post about them all.

13. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? Probably China and Ireland

14. What color is your bathroom? White but different colors of the posters in there yaaay.

15. Favorite brand of clothing? Brand of clothing?

16.. Where would you retire? The South of France

17. What was your most memorable birthday? I'm not sure, can I get back to you on that. The wierd thing is the only I can think of is my fourth birthday. Both grandparents were at that one. Come to think of it, I think that was the last one before my Grandad got sick.

18. Where were you born? R-town

19. Favorite sport to watch? Hockey, Football (college), Baseball

20. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? No one really

21. Person to send it back first? ummmmmm.......

22. Favorite perfume or cologne? I don't really wear perfume.

23. What fabric detergent do you use? All Free & Clear.

24. Coke or Pepsi? Coke

25. Are you a morning person or night owl? Oh Most definately a night owl.

26. Shoe size? 9 1/2

27. Do you have any pets? None really.

28 .If you could visit anyone in the world right now, who would it be? So many people to list

29. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with family and friends? Nope

30. What did you want to be when you were little? A science officer on the Shuttle

31. If you could share a day with anyone, living or deceased, who would it be? Fat little Judi Dench

32. Any tattoos? no

33. Number of piercings? I refuse to conform to some subculture's belief of bueaty. Also, I'm a coward.

34. Tell something about yourself that others may be surprised to hear: Deep down, I think I might really like metal

Monday, November 27, 2006

Rant-o-rama Monday

I was watching the TV tonight and was interested on a few things. Predominately there was a commerical for some weird commerical about some kind of female problem that isn't PMS but is really much more serious. I don't quite understand, am I to understand my usual craving and subtle moods swings are some kind of hormonal problem? And then this commerical makes me think for a moment. Is this another by the men with advertising and grant money to make me paraoid about my body functions? It seems like there's a pill for everything today. You know sometihng that's suppose to make things that's wrong for anyone. Nod don't think that this is an rant against people who need medication.

I firmly believe that if a doctor prescribed you a set of medications then by all means you need to be taking those pills. But is it nessasary to take pills for penis enlargement? To control my cravings for red foods? We, as a society, are over concerned with our health simply because we are a society become more conscience of ourselves and instead of doing things that could make are lives easier we would rather take pills.



Sunday, November 26, 2006

Big Announcement

I thought about this for a whie and I think that this blog is going to waste so! Here's my new plan.

Its going to have many different things. THe Photo J and video nonsense will be a regualar thing but expect poems and rants.

Yea that's it.


Friday, November 10, 2006

Top Five Animated Videos

Yup some of my favorite things are music and animated things. And look they've been combined.

5. Fight Test-Flaming Lips

One of two videos you could at one time down load from their website. Enjoy.

4. Paranoid Android-Radiohead

Yes, it's a six minute opus with the most random story about I think suidice or booze or large breated Mermaids

3. I Miss You-Bjork

Look John K. Made this..yaaaaaaaaaaaay

2. Don't Download This Song- Weird Al Yankovic

Supringly well written song. I shouldn't say suprising Mr. Yankovic's always been talented. But honesly its great. it looks like that Kanye West sing. Now I could only remember the name of my favorite Kanye West Song.

1. Sledgehammer-Peter Gabriel

It Clayeriffic!

I said what?