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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Spooktacular Videos

Well, its that time of year where people put out those crappy lists of Top you know huanted places in America or horror movies or songs. Well, you know what, I have my own list. These are my top 5 Halloween Videos for ya'll

5. Sarah Brightman and Steve Harley-Phantom of the Opera

This suggestion came from my beloved Brody. I have a tendancy to agree with him. After all Sarah Brightman is an amazing saprano and hey it's the best thing....ever.

4. Rockwell-Somebody's Watching Me

Yea, its a setreotypical one but hey I could have chosen a Ghostbuster's video. Besides, who wants to watch Rockwell? Nothing really impressive of him but it's a video that should be dusted off and shared with everyone once a year.

3. Rod Zombie-Living Dead Girl

Who the hell am I kidding this is a song I'll listen to on the holiest day of the year. But what's really cool is that its based on a silent move called the Cabinet of Dr. Calagari. I can't remember the director but I recall he was a mentor to Fritz Lang. Intrestingly enough Lang did indeed do a sequel to this in America.

2. Micheal Jackson- Thriller

Oh wait this isn't Thriller, I guess I should go search for the real thing on I stand by my decision that this shall be the number two video. It's great isn't gang.

1. Rod Stewart- Do'Ya Think I'm Sexy

That Monster is going to give me nightmares.

Thank you kids...niiiiight

1 comment:

Miranda said...

wtf is up with that Phantom video? There's so many things wrong with it I don't even know where to start...

I said what?